Karate Lincolnshire

Classes at:, The Vista Hall, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2PB.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07944246233


Over the coming week heavy snow is foreast across much of the UK, including south Lincolnshire.  This page has been set up so you can check to see if your class is still running whilst the weather warnings are in place.

Although Karate Classes may be running, we will not be offended if you make the decision to stay at home.  If you do decide not to come, please remember you can come to extra classes to make up any that you miss.  What ever you decide, please be safe.

Thursday 31tst January

5.00pm – 6.00pm Lil’ Dragons GRADING: Running

6.30pm – 8.00pm Adult karate GRADING: Running

Friday 1st February

5.30pm – 6.30pm Lil’ Dragons: Running

Monday 4th February

5.30pm – 6.30pm Lil’ Dragons: Running

Updated: 31/01/2019 at 12:16


 Karate Lincolnshire

Classes at:
The Vista Hall
PE11 2PB

  Telephone: 07944246233