Karate Lincolnshire

Classes at:, The Vista Hall, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2PB.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07944246233

Online training

Karate online

Beat the boredom!

It is very important for kids to keep active and take regular exercise during this time of self-isolation (which may go on for some time).  Martial arts are a great way to do this with lessons being structured to allow them to train with the limited space of a lounge or bedroom for example.

The solution!

KarateSpalding have responded to this by completely changing the way in which lessons are delivered.  As we cannot meet in a public building anymore, we have moved all our lessons online.  This is done using video conferencing software so students can be coached rather than just following along to a video.

Girl Kicking

We have been running this system for a while now with much success and it has been gratefully received by parents.

In addition to this we are posting tutorials that pupils can watch and practice at their leisure.

Book a FREE trial today!

 Karate Lincolnshire

Classes at:
The Vista Hall
PE11 2PB

  Telephone: 07944246233